A squarrel
Acorny joke
You're a tough nut to crack!
watch NutFlix
With cashews!
A chipmunk
Leaf me alone!
Climb up a tree and act like a nut.
A branch manager
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These Squirrel Jokes Will Drive You Nuts!
We've had a soft spot for squirrels ever since we owned a Great Dane. Those little fellows would hang out on the back fence and taunt him. He would go running at them full tilt (all 150 lbs of dog), barking for all he was worth as they scampered across the fence to safety. But he was always up for the chase - all you had to say was "Is that a Squirrel!" and he would bolt for the back door, even if he was upstairs in the family room.
Welcome to our collection of funny squirrel jokes (or funny nut jokes). We're family friendly here (we keep it clean; no rude squirrel jokes or dirty squirrel jokes here). These family friendly dad jokes poke fun at our furry little friends and their favorite food. I mean - think about all the stuff they're done for us! I mean, there's the old "are you a squirrel" pick up line! (Because you keep driving me nuts).
Or the why was the squirrel late for work joke! (Because traffic was nuts!)
What do squirrels like to drink? (Nut Tea)... Groan - more squirrel one liners....
Or the How do you catch a squirrel joke... Climb a tree and act like a nut.
And we've got so many TV and comic characters to draw from - Sandy the Squirrel (and the infamous "Stupid Sandy" meme after the big storm) and plenty of squirrel jokes SpongeBob would love.
In any event, we hope you enjoy our little collection of squirrel sayings. Click through the slideshow above to get some great squirrel jokes. We've got more jokes about the seasons here.
More About This Site - Mom's Dad Jokes
Need some funny squirrel jokes?
Our collection of funny squirrel jokes is great if you want to sound like a nut. So many squirrels, so little time. Tree-t yourself to a macadamia nut and dig into our little humor site.
If you are an irish squirrel, find an appropriate beverage to set the mood for the joke. Maybe even fire up an episode of the bikini bottom gang and get inspired by Sandy squirrel & crew.
Are you a rich squirrel? (don't be a nut) A tough nut to crack? Polynesian squirrel? Carpenter squirrel? Or just looking for funny squirrel jokes for kids? No matter the need, we can make you laugh.
Mom's dad jokes is full of the kind of funny jokes that your father (and every dad) loves to share with their kid. Always family friendly, laugh (and groan) tested, and designed to look great on your mobile phone. We've got jokes, pun ideas, and enough other material to turn on the humor light bulb in your brain. (but not stupid squirrel jokes, that's not nice) Perfect when you need to entertain a crowd, fish for compliments, sponge off your bar buddies, be "that guy" or impress a small child.
Looking for even more Dad Jokes?
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'